
Physics :: Study, Fields : Mechanics, Kinematics, Dynamics, Statics



The word "Physics" is derived from the Greek Words "physikos" (= natural) and "physis" (= nature)

Study of Physics

Physics is a science that deals with the natural world. It studies about matter (the fundamental constitutent of the universe), in its various forms, the forces exerted by them on one another and the results produced thereon.

Within this framework, physics encompasses essentially all of nature: The laws and properties of matter and the forces acting upon it, especially the causes (gravitation, heat, light, magnetism, electricity, etc) that modify the general properties of bodies.

The study of physics is divided into a number of subfileds. Though the classification is very wide, we limit our classification to the topics that we deal with in our study of physics at this level. Mechanics, Dynamics, Heat, Light, Sound, Electricity, Magnetism, Atomic Physics, etc., are some of the topics that we study.

Physics » Study of Motion

In the study of matter, motion is one of the most important and fundamental aspects that one has to understand. Therefore one branch of physics involves the study of motion – from objects as small as neutrinos to ones as massive as galaxies or even the entire universe – and forces – the interactions between bodies. Besides this, many specialties exist, dealing with gases, liquids, and solids, and so on.



Mechanics is a branch of physics which deals with the study of the forces which act on a body and keep it in equilibrium (objects or bodies at rest) or in motion. It is one of the largest subjects in science and technology.

The bodies whose motion we study in "Mechanics" are macroscopic bodies i.e. bodies that we can easily see. [Though microscopic bodies like electrons etc., are also in motion, their study forms separate field of study.]

However, we may study motion with respect to solids, liquids and gases, where we may be dealing with the motion of large molecules.

Mechanics is classified into three divisions as

  1. Statics

    Statics is a branch of physics (mechanics) which concerned with equillubrium state of bodies under the action of forces. When a system of bodies is in static equilibrium, the system is either at rest, or moving at constant velocity through its center of mass.

    It can also be understood as the study of the forces affecting nonmoving objects

  2. Dynamics

    The branch of physics (mechanics) which deals with the effect of forces on the motion of bodies.

    It can also be understood as the study of the forces affecting moving objects.

  3. Kinematics

    It is the branch of physics (mechanics) concerned with the motions of objects without being concerned with the forces that cause the motion.

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